HCI 201| Multimedia
and the World Wide Web |
Summary of the course: |
Students will learn how to create, design
and posting your own websites; creating user-centered documents
for the world wide web using HTML, CSS, JavaScript (and
You will also learn user-centered design principles and
techniques, as well the basics of multimedia file size and
format. |
Email is the best way to get hold to
me! winny (at symbol) cti.depaul.edu |
Or, meet me before or after class, my office phone is 773-325-4540, cell: 312-206-8342,
Office SAC 259 |
The website you need to know for HCI 201
1. COL (course management system in CDM) https://col.cdm.depaul.edu/
2. Course homepage: http://winnystudio.com/201/
3. Hosting Domain: depaulkmc-webdesign.com/
4. Adobe Online Video Tutorial: http://tv.adobe.com/product/creative-suite-design-and-web-premium/
5. Online Tutorial at Lynda: http://www.lynda.com/
6. Wikipedia, google, gettyimages, flickr… make them your good friends. |
Optional TextBook: |
Please check out the Online
tutorial and reference! |
Additional printed materials and/or website references
will be provided throughout the quarter. |
Grading: |
Your final grade will be based on:
30% |
Weekly Assignments |
25% |
Mid-term Exam |
35% |
Final Projects &
Presentation |
10% |
In class participation |
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F <60% |
Plus and minus scores will be assigned at the high and
low ends of each of these ranges at the instructor's discretion.
(No A+ or D-) |
Homeworks and project will be graded on how well they meet requirements. Specific consideration will be given to the use of color, content, and design of the site. |
A file naming scheme that is different from the one specified will suffer a 5% drop in grade. |
Assignments that are turned in late without prior arrangement will suffer a 10% drop in earned grade for every day they are late. Assignments that are more than 4 days late will not be accepted, and a grade of F will be assigned. |
Assignments and Project: |
Assignments will be posted at COL, and should be submitted by the date is due.
Most assignments will be the elements of your final project. |
Course Project -- You have to build a website from scratch--from defining the website to design it, and test the usabilities. |
Options: either a personal Web site or a business-oriented web site |
Requirements: |
1. Homepage of your website have to be index.htm
2. Your website should include at least FIVE well designed web pages.
3. All the hyperlinks should be properly linked
4. All the files in your site should be will organized (pictures files should all in pic floder, media files in media folder, etc)
5. One of the pages should feature a mini photo gallery
6. One of the pages should feature a media file (either sound bite or media clip). For example: if you choose to design your personal site, this can be your favorite movie/TV star/singer page.
7. You should use Flash to create at least one animated element on your website. |
Samples |
Sample 01; ZIP; |
Sample 02; ZIP; |
Sample 03; ZIP; |
Tools we are using for this class: |
Paper cards/pencil :) |
Flash; |
School Policies: |
Online Instructor Evaluation:
Course and instructor evaluations are critical for maintaining and improving course quality. To make evaluations as meaningful as possible, we need 100% student participation. Therefore, participation in the School’s web-based academic administration initiative during the eighth and ninth week of this course is a requirement of this course. Failure to participate in this process will result in a grade of incomplete for the course. This incomplete will be automatically removed within seven weeks after the end of the course and replaced by the grade you would have received if you had fulfilled this requirement.
Academic Integrity Policy: |
This course is subject to the faculty council rules on the academic integrity policy (30k DOC)
Plagiarism: |
The university and school policy on plagiarism can be summarized as follows: Students in this course, as well as all other courses in which independent research or writing play a vital part in the course requirements, should be aware of the strong sanctions that can be imposed against someone guilty of plagiarism. If proven, a charge of plagiarism could result in an automatic F in the course and possible expulsion. The strongest of sanctions will be imposed on anyone who submits as his/her own work a report, examination paper, computer file, lab report, or other assignment which has been prepared by someone else. If you have any questions or doubts about what plagiarism entails or how to properly acknowledge source materials be sure to consult the instructor.
Incomplete: |
incomplete grade is given only for exceptional reasons such as a death in the family, serious illness, etc. Any such reason must be documented. Any incomplete request must be made at least two weeks before the final, and approved by the Dean of the School of CTI. Any consequences resulting from a poor grade for the course will not be considered as valid reasons for such a request. |