HCI 406 | Web Design
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spacer Location: Lecture 04
Lecture Plan
Lecture 01
Lecture 02
Lecture 03
Lecture 04
Lecture 05
Midterm Presentation
Lecture 07
Lecture 08
Lecture 09
Lecture 10
Final Presentation
Lecture 4

Lecture file


Element of design:
- Space, Dot, Line, Shape Form, Texture, Pattern, and Color;


Element of design:
- Space, Dot, Line, Shape Form, Texture, Pattern, and Color;


The principles of design:
- Unity: proximity, Alignment, Similarity, Repetition;
- Emphasis: Contrast, Color, Depth, Proportion;
- Perceptual Forces: balance, Symmetrical Balance, Asymmetrical Balance, Continuation, Figure-Ground, Psychological Closure