GPH 338-- Computer Animation Survey |
Course description: |
This course is a survey of techniques
used in 3D computer animation. We will be using a commercial
animation package: Maya |
Planned topics include: different modeling techniques,
basic texture and lighting, key-frame animation, animation
tracks, animating modifiers, morphing, facial and character
animation, inverse kinematics, animating cameras and lights,
and environmental effects. |
Students should eventually be able to create a short animation
by using 3d package like Maya to tell a story or express
his or her individual message. |
Grading: |
Your final grade will be based on:
40%* |
Weekly Assignments
Quizzes, dates TBA |
40%* |
Final Project &
Presentation |
*Quizzes will be given at the instructor's discretion
and will count up to 20% of the final grade. In the event
that we do not have many quizzes, a portion of the 20%
may be redistributed to the assignment and project grades.
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F <60% |
Plus and minus scores will be assigned at the high and
low ends of each of these ranges at the instructor's discretion.
(No A+ or D-) |
Assignments: |
Assignments will be posted weekly to
the course website. |
Late assignments will be penalized 10% for each day that
they are late (including Saturday and Sunday) and under
no circumstances will they be accepted more than three days
late. |
To receive credit, production notes must be included with
every assignment. Assignments will be shown in class each
week. You must be present to answer questions about your
assignment, failure to do so will result in a reduced grade.
Quizzes |
You must take quizzes during the
scheduled time period. Make-ups will be given only in
case of a serious emergency, in which case the emergency
must be documented. If you anticipate a scheduling conflict,
notify me at least a week in advance of the conflict.
Final Project |
Each student will present his/her final project during
the final exam period. Failure to attend will result in
a failing grade on your final project. |
Attendance: |
Since this is primarily a hands-on class, attendance
is mandatory. However, if you are absent from class, you
are responsible for understanding the material and for
finding out about any announcements made in that class.
Plagiarism: |
The university and school policy
on plagiarism can be summarized as follows: Students in
this course, as well as all other courses in which independent
research or writing play a vital part in the course requirements
should be aware of the strong sanctions that can be imposed
against someone guilty of plagiarism. If proven, a charge
of plagiarism could result in an automatic F in the course
and possible expulsion. The strongest of sanctions will
be imposed on anyone who submits as his/her own work a
report, examination paper, computer file, lab report,
or other assignment which has been prepared by someone
else. If you have any questions or doubts about what plagiarism
entails or how to properly acknowledge source materials
be sure to consult the instructor. |
Incompletes: |
An incomplete grade is given only for an exceptional
reason such as a death in the family, a serious illness,
etc. Any such reason must be documented. Any incomplete
request must be made at least two weeks before the final,
and approved by the Dean of the School of Computer Science,
Telecommunications and Information Systems. Any consequences
resulting from a poor grade for the course will not be
considered as valid reasons for such a request. |