Week 01
Course overview;
Modeling Concepts & Modeling Fundamentals;
Eye candy;
Introduce different modeling methods: Poly, NURBS,
SubDiv, explains their Pros and Cons.
Introduce arthropod; |
Week 02
Focus on arthropod modeling;
Breakdown models: study the shape, how to abstract/simplify
it. Start with simple geometry;
How to get into the details;
Week 03
Continue with getting into the details;
Use deformers in modeling. |
Week 04
Add detail by using texturing and
Use your artistic eye to identify the appearance;
Explain UV for Polygons and NURBS;
And how to apply Color/Transparent/Luminous/Bumpiness
mapping. |
Week 05
Your pest modeling due
Week 06
Environments; non-organic or prop
Focus on creating plants and props for your arthropod's
environment. |
Week 07
Cinematography I
Make the most of the camera and lights in your
3D scene.
-Focus on Lighting-
Study concepts and techniques developed and used
by professional cinematographers shooting live-action
1. How do you reproduce the recognizable qualities
and color temperatures of natural light sources?
2. Three-Point Lighting. How can you apply principles
and techniques developed by Hollywood lighting
designers to your 3D scenes? |
Week 08
Cinematography II
Make the most of the camera and lights in your
3D scene.
-Focus on Camera-
How do you simulate the exposure process of
a real camera, and the natural side-effects
of a cinematographer's exposure controls, using
depth of field, adding motion blur, etc.
Your pest in a scenario due
Week 09
Creative Control: Composition
and Staging.
"If it looks like computer graphics, it
is not good computer graphics."
How will people perceive your images, and how
do you influence a viewer's perception?
Week 10
Make decision for style: Realistic/Hyper-real/Stylized/Simplified/Graphic/Fantastic...
Your robotic/cartoonie version of the pest due
Week 11
Presentation Critique arthropod portfolio
You will be presenting your work in progress in
a ppt format presentation.
You will need to submit a portfolio including:
1. Your pest's brief information and reference
2. Your sketches of the pest including orthographic
views and 3 different scene design;
3. Print(s) of your 3D scene (your pest in a
4. Print(s) of your robotic version of the pest
or the solid white model of the pest or both;
5. A cd/dvd include your ppt presentation, all
the necessary work files and printing quality
image files (prefer png format);