GPH 338 | Computer Animation Survey (Practical Environment: MAYA)
Winter Quarter
Wednesday 6pm-9pm
Class Home Lectures Assignments Students Works Resources

spacer Location: Assignment / Assignment Instructions
Assignment 01
Assignment 02
Assignment 03
Midterm Project
Assignment 04
Final Project
GPH 338 Assignment Instructions
Assignments Plan
Assignment 01
Model and Rig a hand
Assignment 02
Bouncing ball exercise, understand Graph editor
Assignment 03
Butterfly path animation with some scripting
Midterm Project
Sack bag walking (pick light/heavy, give it character)
Assignment 04
Storyboard for final animation
Final Project
Bender_Man in action
The following items should be turned in:
Rendered output in .jpg (still) or quicktime mov (animation) format.
Production notes.
This should be an executive summary, everything I need to know to evaluate your work (I shouldn't have to look at your maya file). This doesn't need to be lengthy, and I don't want a step by step description of what you did.
clearly distinguish between your own work and material from other sources (models, tutorials, textures, ideas).
Advertise anything special that you did on the assignment and that you want me to evaluate.
Your Maya file used to generate images or animation.
You do not need to turn in all your supporting files, but they should be mentioned and attributed in your production notes.
All of this should be contained in a single .zip file with your name and the assignment #,
  It should then be submitted to the distance learning website.
Distance learning website.