HCI 201| Multimedia and the World Wide Web
HCI 201 Home Lectures Assignments Resources

spacer Location: Assignment / Assignment 01
Assignment Basic
Assignment 01
Assignment 02
Assignment 03
Assignment 04
Assignment 05
Assignment 01:
Create you own folder on class.winnystudio.org
Please finish the web authoring of 1 page to introduce yourself.
1. Create an index.html, create the link to your about me page
2. name this page aboutMe.html
3. Insert a picture of yourself
4. Content requirement use SAMPLE PAGE 01, or SAMPLE PAGE 02, as guideline.
5. Follow instruction at http://www.winnystudio.com/201/Assignment_basic.htm to upload to class.winnystudio.org...
Surf COL, and try to be comfortable in using the system.
Go to COL -- https://col.cdm.depaul.edu/submit your site's link